Simply Beautiful.

Every day we are faced with the choice- how can I make life better today? What can I say, do, make, give or be to make my life and the lives of others better. Here I want to focus on the positives of life in each day, in each moment. By choosing how we answer those questions in a positive way, we make the world a better place for every single one.

I am trying a new format starting today. I will be posting Studio project and shop updates on Mondays. Each Wednesday I will post a "World Wednesday" update with things found in nature, or other nature related topics. On Fridays I will post a tip or project I suggest. Hopefully it will be a fun and exciting change!

All images and texts are copyrighted, please contact me for permission to use anything you see here.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

What's Coming...

There are many exciting new developments at home and abroad... if by abroad you mean in the far away world of the Internet, which I do. On the homefront first: this week we have decided to suspend Spring in all her glory and push headlong into Summer.  Hot, hot, hot! I can't complain really- I love the sun and the warmth.  Most of all I love the chance to widen our places to play.  For some reason this spring has brought a new tradition.  We are really enjoying "fancy dress" pic-nics.  We dress up in lovely dresses and head for lunch or afternoon tea (aka snacks) out among the wilds.  We can do this until the bugs get too insane, so we're living it up.  Incidentally, May flies did not get the memo that they are, in fact, due in May.  Not April Bucko's.  May.  Sigh.

Of course when it gets too gnatty we can come in for a little art therapy.  Painting nature when the real things too rough does help!

On the business side of life I am excited to say I will be coming out with more products very shortly. I'm adding cute pillows, rugs, purses, bags, patterns, and the cutest little crocheted sheep to the items currently for sale. I will post more pictures as soon as I can. Unfortunately my camera must have heard my mutterings about its fuzziness in a few shots I was trying to capture. The very next time I picked it up one of the interior lenses came unglued. I have no duct tape that can fix that bad boy. Hopefully I will remedy it somehow shortly.

The bear is stuffed with dried lavender- so he smells lovely too!