Simply Beautiful.

Every day we are faced with the choice- how can I make life better today? What can I say, do, make, give or be to make my life and the lives of others better. Here I want to focus on the positives of life in each day, in each moment. By choosing how we answer those questions in a positive way, we make the world a better place for every single one.

I am trying a new format starting today. I will be posting Studio project and shop updates on Mondays. Each Wednesday I will post a "World Wednesday" update with things found in nature, or other nature related topics. On Fridays I will post a tip or project I suggest. Hopefully it will be a fun and exciting change!

All images and texts are copyrighted, please contact me for permission to use anything you see here.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Spring...Come on!!

This week has been such an interesting mix of weather here, and I'm sure everywhere else!  I had just pulled my summer clothes down from the loft and had them all neatly packed onto their shelves.  Okay- some neatly packed and some just shoved!  Next thing I know my mom is warning of an impending snow storm on Sunday.  We did get snow and sleet and sunshine in the afternoon.  Weird.  My head is confused.  Not my brain- my head.  It was pounding for most of today.  "Make up your mind barometer!"  it chanted as it pulsed in my temples.  Oh well. My heart knows the weather just fine.  Despite the blips, I know it is Spring, pushing its way up from the ground and out through the ends of each branch.  Come on Sun- I am here and ready!

Early this week I shucked the sweater down at the river.  I hear there's more warmth waiting at the end of this week.

I would like to believe that all of life's aches and just general bumps in the road could be fixed with a frog covered purple band aid as my daughter does.  This one did help!  Mostly I appreciated her caring concern.

I wish you the feel of sun on your face, with its healing, recharging power.  I wish you band aides carefully applied by someone who loves you for all of your boo-boo's!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Time for Play

Just a few snippets from today.  I'm always struck by how much fun- really deep down fun it is to play with blocks.  If you are ever down or in need of distraction and you happen to have a child in your life- blocks are your immediate solution.  I'm kinda planning on keeping my daughter's blocks long after she's "outgrown" them.  I may claim to keep them for decorating with, and they would be lovely.  Mostly I will keep them because the bright colors and combinations just make me feel good.  Building feels good.  Knowing there are no wrong decisions (okay if you count something that falls over, but that's quickly fixed and part of the fun!) feels great!  Go ahead- play!

In another game, my daughter likes to pretend she's a sparrow.  The picture below is one of her sparrow treats- a bowl of "worms".  I find it hysterical that she loves to pretend to eat worms but will not touch rice because it's too weird.  Ahh. Life.

What made me happy today?
* Building things...
* Decorating the towers with beaded necklaces, a pleasing mix of shiny and wood.
* Pretending to be a bird, complete with flying, "worm" snacks and feathery cuddles.
* Seeing real birds seemingly by the hundreds in the yard.  The robins are huge and hungry this spring!

Monday, March 21, 2011

The Equinox and the Search for Balance

 Yesterday was the Spring Equinox.  My mom was a science and math teacher for many years and she adored this trick.  You can stand a raw egg on its end and it will not roll away!  She is 60ish and still giggles at the thought of this wonder.  I love it too- Mother Earth doing another magic trick for us. As if all the rest weren't quite enough.  During this time of year her mighty gifts are just awakening around us.  This one's weird and just plain cool.  It works during the Fall Equinox as well so give it a try!  This guy's ability to stay still, perched like that, of course drew me into my own questions about balance.  The balance I'm seeking now involves how to be a full time, loving mom and still retain some of my own identity along the way.  When do my passions get a chance?  The creative tasks of blogging and picture taking certainly help in this category.  Focusing on the positives of the day to post here help me achieve some balance in terms of what happened during my day.  Using whatever tools it takes to pull out all the positives is a really good  and necessary thing.  The following is a picture I just had to take, and is a really great example of using a creative outlet to find balance.  Knowing that I want to express myself on this blog through photos, I have been really paying more attention to the beauty around me.  This is another of Mother Nature's Equinox wonders.  I can almost hear these buds chanting Spring is here!  Spring is Here!! SPRING IS HERE!!!!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

March 16th Ready, Set, Go!

Fabric and Food- what could be better? What's making me happy today?
* This stack fabric, just waiting to be made into bags. Hoping I'll be willing to part with them when they're done...
* That my daughter took the fabric picture- way to go!
* Having a husband who makes beignets instead of biscuits just because his daughter asked...even though it took longer. Oh were they good!
* A evening dinner at "Marinara's" (what my daughter keeps calling Panera's). Incidentally I think that would make a lovely name for an Italian restaurant.
Hope your day is full of promise like that stack of fabric- waiting to see what you'll make of it!

March 15 Pushing Spring

Today was a day for "Pushing Spring". Here's what brought joy to my day:

* Tromping down to the river in fleece coats and warm layers...and flip flops!

* That my little girl made the heart pictured out of a piece of twine we found there.

* A cypress knee as a bag holder

* A lovely collection of sea or I guess river glass growing by the day. You can barely make some pieces out by the bag near the shovel. I have a ridiculous amount and dream of turning them into something lovely...

Here's hoping you turn all your moments into something lovely too!