Simply Beautiful.

Every day we are faced with the choice- how can I make life better today? What can I say, do, make, give or be to make my life and the lives of others better. Here I want to focus on the positives of life in each day, in each moment. By choosing how we answer those questions in a positive way, we make the world a better place for every single one.

I am trying a new format starting today. I will be posting Studio project and shop updates on Mondays. Each Wednesday I will post a "World Wednesday" update with things found in nature, or other nature related topics. On Fridays I will post a tip or project I suggest. Hopefully it will be a fun and exciting change!

All images and texts are copyrighted, please contact me for permission to use anything you see here.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Spring...Come on!!

This week has been such an interesting mix of weather here, and I'm sure everywhere else!  I had just pulled my summer clothes down from the loft and had them all neatly packed onto their shelves.  Okay- some neatly packed and some just shoved!  Next thing I know my mom is warning of an impending snow storm on Sunday.  We did get snow and sleet and sunshine in the afternoon.  Weird.  My head is confused.  Not my brain- my head.  It was pounding for most of today.  "Make up your mind barometer!"  it chanted as it pulsed in my temples.  Oh well. My heart knows the weather just fine.  Despite the blips, I know it is Spring, pushing its way up from the ground and out through the ends of each branch.  Come on Sun- I am here and ready!

Early this week I shucked the sweater down at the river.  I hear there's more warmth waiting at the end of this week.

I would like to believe that all of life's aches and just general bumps in the road could be fixed with a frog covered purple band aid as my daughter does.  This one did help!  Mostly I appreciated her caring concern.

I wish you the feel of sun on your face, with its healing, recharging power.  I wish you band aides carefully applied by someone who loves you for all of your boo-boo's!