Simply Beautiful.

Every day we are faced with the choice- how can I make life better today? What can I say, do, make, give or be to make my life and the lives of others better. Here I want to focus on the positives of life in each day, in each moment. By choosing how we answer those questions in a positive way, we make the world a better place for every single one.

I am trying a new format starting today. I will be posting Studio project and shop updates on Mondays. Each Wednesday I will post a "World Wednesday" update with things found in nature, or other nature related topics. On Fridays I will post a tip or project I suggest. Hopefully it will be a fun and exciting change!

All images and texts are copyrighted, please contact me for permission to use anything you see here.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Gazing Ball

Just a few looks around the yard this lovely June day.  I have nothing but good things to say about the last few days.  The weather has been unbelievable.  I even wore a light sweater for a while yesterday- ahh, that's bliss to me!  My girl and I have spent hours wandering the shores of the river and playing in the yard.  Today was extra special as I got to sew a little.  Yes, granted I had to take a table, my machine and everything else outside with a large extension chord, but I got some work done!!  We played "Cinderella and Dustabella (yes that would be me ;) )  and had to sew for our step-sisters.  Actually, sewing outside is really fun!  My little one seems allergic to me having any sort of work or project time so any way of doing anything in front of her or with her is awesome by me!  I worked on her quilt which I'll show in Friday's post.  I swear the thing has to be some sort of trapezoid or parallelogram or something!!  It's kickin my tooshie!!  Here's hoping you have some lovely weather and happy days ahead too!