Simply Beautiful.

Every day we are faced with the choice- how can I make life better today? What can I say, do, make, give or be to make my life and the lives of others better. Here I want to focus on the positives of life in each day, in each moment. By choosing how we answer those questions in a positive way, we make the world a better place for every single one.

I am trying a new format starting today. I will be posting Studio project and shop updates on Mondays. Each Wednesday I will post a "World Wednesday" update with things found in nature, or other nature related topics. On Fridays I will post a tip or project I suggest. Hopefully it will be a fun and exciting change!

All images and texts are copyrighted, please contact me for permission to use anything you see here.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Monday's Studio Review and The Power of Barbie

I have been working diligently on so many exciting projects this week I'm actually thrilled to get to them in the morning and thinking of them at night.  I want to start making more textiles, like fabric bags and purses.  I am also secretly- okay no longer secretly- yearning to make shoes.  That's right shoes!  I'm sure as you read this you are giving me (or at least your computer) the same 'okay, back away from the nice crazy lady' look.  I'm not sure why creating shoes seems so out of reach that it's just nutty to even try.  I have been wanting to for months and months now, but kept talking myself out of it.  I'm going to start and just see.  I also picked up some gorgeous vintage pieces this past week that I can't wait to start transforming.  Again- I'm just going for it.  I blame it on Barbie.  You read that correctly!  I have many more comments to come about kid's movies in general, but for now I'll focus on the most relevant one.  I've had the song "Get Your Sparkle On" from the movie Barbie and a Fashion Fairytale stuck in my head for days now.  The whole focus of the song is to do what is in your heart and "show the world where you belong".  I've realized that if I can preach to my daughter that she can do anything, then I can live it too.  So I'm going to try it all.  All the patterns, projects and completely new ventures I can dream up will at least be attempted.  We'll see how it goes!  I apologize for the certainly cheesy aspects of this revelation!  My choice of entertainment is a little limited at the moment!  That being said, there are many good things to be learned from the right movies!