Simply Beautiful.

Every day we are faced with the choice- how can I make life better today? What can I say, do, make, give or be to make my life and the lives of others better. Here I want to focus on the positives of life in each day, in each moment. By choosing how we answer those questions in a positive way, we make the world a better place for every single one.

I am trying a new format starting today. I will be posting Studio project and shop updates on Mondays. Each Wednesday I will post a "World Wednesday" update with things found in nature, or other nature related topics. On Fridays I will post a tip or project I suggest. Hopefully it will be a fun and exciting change!

All images and texts are copyrighted, please contact me for permission to use anything you see here.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Wednesday: Luxury Spa at Home

Sometimes everyone has one of those weeks.  I don't know if it's having a daughter that makes them more moody, swinging with whatever chemicals are rushing through their systems...whatever it is sometimes it's tooo much!  We wrestled with some sort of stomach bug that rolled through the family for a couple of weeks- that was fun.  After that seemed to leave we've been dealing with some sort of emotional growing pains that left my little unable to go to sleep at night and all of us very testy all day.  It seemed like the word "hello" could have bad intentions for three whole days!  Just when I thought it would be like this 'for the duration' as Granddaddy used to say-  it ended with an idea.  My daughter suggested yesterday afternoon that we have a spa. I don't know why it hadn't occurred to me- we love this fun indoor activity!  We always make it fancy, using fabric fat quarters and sequin ribbons to decorate our tables (actually hat boxes).  We then arrange all of our fingernail polish, lotion, perfumes and other hair/ nail items on the tables.  Then we take turns being the customer.  I started yesterday as the salon owner.  I gave a massage, manicure and pedicure.  I think the my daughter's favorite part is the massage.  I slowly rub lotion into her feet, legs, arms and hands.  She is always relaxed and so much calmer when it's over.  I always think about how much human touch does for each and every one of us.  That the act of focusing so much energy and love into her little body makes her feel treasured and secure in a way few other things can.  After our glamorous spa and all through today she has been back to her lovely self.  We all need a bit of pampering every now and then to pull us back to happy living!!

I just had to share this- truly one of my best yard sale purchases ever!  I got this from a military wife who bought it somewhere in Europe.  I wasn't sure about it, but my little one had to have it!  It's some sort of stone- heavy and sturdy.  We put dollar store perfume in it (which is good considering how much she uses!!) and it has become part of our daily lives.  It's part of every game of princess, spa or fashion designer.  It's used before we go anywhere and just because.  All for $1.50 (including perfume). Nice!!